Monthly Archives: March 2013

Making My Own Luck

By |2013-03-29T13:37:17+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I will not wait for luck to find me today, I will make my own luck. Life is an endless stream of doors opening and closing, if I wait for doors to slam shut on me, or if when they begin to close I just get anxious, defensive and defeated, I will send out an

I Can Have the Life I Want

By |2013-03-29T13:35:56+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I can have the life I want and the first step towards that is to see it in my mind’s eye. I will allow my mind to see myself in a wonderful life, I will be specific, I will live in this life, breathe in it, talk to those in it with me , smell

Loving Myself through Action

By |2013-03-29T13:32:16+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I want to do something special for myself today. Giving to others and withholding from myself doesn’t work. I tend to treat other people the way that I treat myself. If  I am stingy with me, I will, somewhere along the line, act that out with other people. If I am hard on myself, I

Love What You Have

By |2013-03-29T13:30:26+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will love what I have rather than always wanting something to be different before I allow myself to be happy. There is so much in my life right now. When I sit still and allow the life I already have to surround me, there is a feeling of fullness that begins to expand


By |2013-03-29T13:29:12+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will embrace the experience of joy. The real purpose of life isn’t to grab and get, to preen and try to out do the next guy. The real purpose of life is to deepen my ability to experience joy. Joy is the gift. Joy is the accomplishment. Joy is what fills me up.

Paying it Forward

By |2013-03-29T13:28:43+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will show my gratitude for the many kindnesses I have received by paying it forward, by giving what I have so appreciated getting to another individual. I know how good it feels to have some one reach out to me in generosity. I will do that for someone today. I will see an

Giving Back

By |2013-03-29T13:28:19+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I give something to the community of people in which I find myself. I look around me and wonder what I might add to the world, to someone else’s day and I do it. I recognize that giving and receiving are one channel, that when I open my heart to give, I simultaneously open