Monthly Archives: March 2013

Natural Mood Management

By |2013-03-29T13:18:03+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I have body chemicals that are meant to smooth me out, to nourish me and let me feel good inside. I can feel them coursing through my system, elevating my mood. I can jump start these self soothing mood chemicals in so many ways: a brisk walk, thinking uplifting thoughts, journaling or sharing what I

I Can Manage Me

By |2013-03-29T13:17:03+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today when I feel stressed I will use my stress busters. I will take a walk or exercise, use my breathing to calm and quiet my nervous system, listen to music, take a warm bath or sit quietly by myself and meditate. I know what works best for me to get back into a relaxed

Managing Added Stress

By |2013-03-29T13:16:05+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Stress affects my body and my mind. When I am under stress, I tend to do the same thing more intensely, but less efficiently. Stress undermines my state of health and makes me feel stuck in non productive, compulsive routines. I lose my spontaneity. Stress chemicals do everything from lock in the storage of fat

6My Actions

By |2019-12-24T23:43:44+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Who I am speaks louder that what I say. My actions are worth more than words. When I use words of love but don’t back them with actions of love, I send out a false and confusing message. When my actions are consistent with what I say and feel, I am easier to relate to


By |2013-03-29T13:14:45+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I will value my home today. I will take time for those I love. I know that my time is the most valuable thing I have to give. Our world runs at a fast pace, we are all on a track to get somewhere but, at the end of the day, where are we all

Life Is

By |2013-03-29T13:14:22+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. 

Life is beauty, admire it. 

Life is bliss, taste it. 

Life is a dream, realize it. 

Life is a challenge, meet it. 

Life is a duty, complete it. 

Life is a game, play it. 

Life is a promise, fulfill it. 

Life is sorrow, overcome it. 

Life is a


By |2013-03-29T13:13:16+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

This is a journey without a goal. Recovery has opened my heart and soul to spirituality. Where before I thought I had to have all the answers, today I learn to live in the question, to be open to learning and letting something new and vital in. Where before I thought I had to be