Monthly Archives: March 2013

Feelings Journal

By |2013-03-29T12:48:59+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I will journal whenever I feel the need to in order to work out my powerful feelings and thoughts. If I can work through my thoughts and feelings through writing them out, I can get the ones that create problems for  me out of our way. When I write things out, I get a kind


By |2013-03-29T12:48:38+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

When I hide my anger from myself I learn nothing from it and it leaks out in less than functional ways. Anger is a natural feeling and one I am willing to face so that I can get past it toward forgiveness. Experiencing my anger doesn’t mean I have to act it out or dump

Acts of Kindness

By |2013-03-29T12:47:57+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will open to acts of kindness from either the giving or receiving end. When I demonstrate kindness, whether to a person or an animal, I experience a shift in my own mind and body, a change in me. When I receive an act of kindness, the same thing happens, something in me grows

Self Importance

By |2013-03-29T12:47:36+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Just for today I won’t give every little thing that grabs my energy and attention more importance than it deserves. In the scheme of things, all of my petty annoyances aren’t all that important. I don’t have to take them so seriously that they disturb my inner peace. When I let myself get annoyed over

Prayer and Miracles

By |2013-03-29T12:47:19+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today, I will pray for a miracle in a situation that seems too much for me to handle or understand. There are times when I just don’t have what it takes to work out a situation. I’m too loaded up with fears and anxieties. What could it hurt to pray for a little divine guidance

Holding Resentments Holds Me

By |2013-03-29T12:46:59+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

The incoherence that results from holding onto resentments and unforgiving attitudes keeps you from being aligned with my true self. It can block you  from me next level of quality life experience. Metaphorically, it’s the curtain standing between the room you’re living in now and a new room, much larger and full of beautiful objects.

Being in the Moment

By |2013-03-29T12:46:40+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

tToday, I see that the only real point of power is in the present. Life cannot be lived backwards or forwards, but only in the context of today. If I truly let myself have this moment and all that it contains, I will be in quiet possession of great eternal wealth. All that is, is

Trust and Faith

By |2013-03-29T12:45:54+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Nothing will shake my faith. Even if what surrounds me is discouraging and disheartening, I will have faith in what I cannot see. The only real faith is blind faith. If I am only willing to have faith in what life has already proved to me, that is not faith. That is simply believing what

The Creative Power of My Thoughts

By |2013-03-29T12:45:35+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today, I recognize that I tend to produce in my life what I feel is true for myself. Thoughts have a creative power of their own. If I look closely, I can see my thoughts come to life. I create the possibility of what I would like by first experiencing it in my mind. I