Monthly Archives: March 2013

Beating Myself and Others Up

By |2013-03-29T11:43:38+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

If I feel bad inside about something I did, I will be less hard on myself today. I cannot change all at once. When I beat myself up on the inside, eventually I look for a culprit. I can’t bear the feelings I am having so I want to blame them on someone else. I

My Reservoir of Peace

By |2013-03-29T11:43:14+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

There is nothing in my day that is more important than my serenity. It is my responsibility to maintain and attend to it. Whatever I do in the world, my serenity comes first. I owe it to no one. I will pay attention today to the myriad of ways in which I am thrown off

Principles not Personalities

By |2013-03-29T11:42:45+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I am part of a program that is bigger than me, bigger than anyone. I am entering into a group wisdom that has developed slowly and over time, that has been passed with love, commitment, pain, sweat and deep joy from one hand to another. This is a program that is owned by no

I Begin Now

By |2013-03-29T11:41:21+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I will start where I am. I will start from today, from this minute and the one that follows. And when I fall down, disappoint myself or let others down,  I will pick myself up, promptly admit it and start again. Life is full of chances if I am willing to take them, filled with


By |2013-03-29T11:40:26+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I can set a boundary. It may not be easy and it may not feel great, but I can do it. I can sit with the reality of the boundary I have set so that I don’t   boomerang into action to undo it when it feels unfamiliar, scary or anxiety provoking. I have a right

Helping Myself (write this)

By |2013-03-29T11:39:56+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

If I don’t help myself today no one else will, no one else can People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find

Leaving the Disease Behind Me

By |2013-03-29T11:38:12+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I am leaving this disease behind me. I cannot get where I need and want to go dragging it any more. What I used to accept as business as usual, I see today as a legacy of dysfunction, a legacy that I don’t need or want to continue. I have been trying to fix this