Monthly Archives: March 2013

The Power is in the Now

By |2013-03-29T16:10:31+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I recognize that the present is alive and vibrant and creative. All of the creative power of this alive and radiant universe is in the present, in the here and now. If I align myself with the present, if I allow myself to fully experience this moment, I will find all I need in it.


By |2013-03-29T16:10:15+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

If I am alive then I need to look around me and feel thankful for the gifts that are mine. There is so much to be grateful for if I am willing to consider the blessings I already have. There is a wisdom in gratitude because what I focus on with appreciation has a way

I Can Lift My Own Spirits

By |2013-03-29T16:09:58+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

I will lift my own spirits today. I will look for that place in me that is still and serene, that isn’t just constantly in response mode. Somewhere there is a constant, meditative place where the little and even the  even big concerns of the day slip away and become less important. A place where

Getting Even

By |2013-03-29T16:09:38+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will push myself through to letting go of some recent insult, knowing that if I don’t I bind myself to that energy. Revenge only keeps me stuck at the place of wrong doing. Better to let go the hurt or insult than the act of kindness. If I want to continue to grow

Living Truly

By |2013-03-29T16:09:18+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will live the life I wish to have. If I want not be manipulative or deceitful in my relationships, I will be an honest person. If I want goodness and decency surrounding me, I will be good and decent. If I want to feel love coming towards me, I will love others. Today

Lighting One Candle

By |2013-03-29T16:08:20+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will light one candle. I know in my heart that the world has so many sincere and good people in it. People who want to contribute to the world, whose hearts are set in the right direction. I join with all of those good souls today in my deep wish to be part


By |2013-03-29T16:07:46+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

When someone is angry at me, I can’t get it out of my mind.  I worry that they have seen something awful about me - something dark is showing that I want to hide.  Secretly, I am ashamed.  I plug into a place inside of me where I feel bad about myself.  I don’t know

I Say Thanks

By |2013-03-29T16:07:17+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

Today I will say thank you. If someone does something for me, I will say thank you. If I feel good when I wake up I will say thank you. When I have food that gives me pleasure and nourishment, I will appreciate its flavor. If the world provides me with another day of what

It’s the Little Things

By |2013-03-29T16:07:01+00:00March 29th, 2013|new Daily Affirmations|

It’s the little things that count, that add up to make a life,  that weave themselves into the fabric of my day and make it feel whole. My morning routines, the activities of my day the people I encounter and share my time with. Little things like a pleasant walk, exercise, my daily errands and