Monthly Archives: March 2013

Behavior Patterns

By |2013-03-28T15:18:00+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

When I become aware of destructive behavior patterns, they can serve a wonderful purpose: I can use them as indicators of where my inner work lies. Any situation to which I have a constant over-reaction is telling me something about myself that I need to listen to. My first task is to realize that the

New Beliefs

By |2013-03-28T15:17:28+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I create a new belief system for myself. In the process of recovery I have got in touch with, felt and released old pain and resentment, and I am in a healthier place now. Even though I am emotionally cleaner, I may still be hanging on to old beliefs that no longer serve me

Deus Ex Machina

By |2013-03-28T15:17:03+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

The ancient Greeks understood our human desire to have a force from above enter our lives, and make sense of the non-sensical. But when I want to find one solution to happiness, I miss the day-to-day experience of living. There is no solution. There is only the process. Wanting an answer puts me at risk


By |2013-03-28T15:16:37+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I am willing to grow up today. I want to become a mature person. Part of my disease caused me to remain immature. My unmet needs from childhood sat inside of me like hungry monsters feeding on anything I threw into them. In recovery I have learned to identify my needs and to meet them

Soulmaking and Suffering

By |2013-03-28T15:15:06+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Suffering purifies the soul. Working through problems is painful and confusing but allows me to use life circumstances as part of my path toward soul; grist for the mill of soulmaking. Running away from or not fully processing and reintegrating suffering is running away from my full self. Parts of me will be left behind,

Meeting Needs

By |2013-03-28T15:14:27+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I will not blackmail myself or others with my own neediness and I will not let others blackmail me with theirs. In recovery I have learned to identify my needs. Now in recovery I will learn that because I have identified them does not necessarily mean that they will all be met. Part of

Appreciating the Day

By |2013-03-28T15:14:01+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I will be aware of the temporary nature of my life. Each day I have is all that I have for certain. If I let today go by unnoticed, unappreciated, unlived, I will not get it back again. It is the little things that make a life. Slowing down, feeling and enjoying where I

I Got What I Got

By |2013-03-28T15:13:31+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I accept that I got what I got while growing up. Some was beneficial, some detrimental and some good enough. Whatever it was, it’s what was and nothing can change that. Because I have been willing to confront the dysfunctional parts of myself and work through emotional blockages, I have also been able to

Meditation in Action

By |2013-03-28T15:13:02+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I will allow myself to have a simple relationship with activities, so that they may become a meditation in action. When thoughts arise throughout this process that seem to be demanding my attention, rather than give them attention and energy, I will not further feed them; instead, I will allow them to pass by, simply