Monthly Archives: March 2013

Reaching Out

By |2013-03-28T15:06:16+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I can reach out for help. When my mind turns in on itself and goes around and around tossing the same old thoughts up and watching them land, I will remind myself that I can reach out. Sometimes just the thought of reaching out is enough. It sets something into motion that opens a

Feeling Fear

By |2013-03-28T15:05:54+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

My greatest sense of fear is caused by my own unwillingness to feel fear that I carry. Refusing to feel natural inner fear gives it tremendous power over me. Denying my own fear gives it a life of its own. Fear is a basic human feeling, and we all have it. How many of my


By |2013-03-28T15:05:30+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I understand that the purpose of forgiving is to release my own mind from the pain of held resentment. I do not forgive someone today because it is what nice people do. I forgive because it sets my mind free for other things – like living happily in the present. This is not to

Healing Hurt Relationships

By |2013-03-28T15:04:33+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I will open myself to healing in my relationships. So much of life depends on the quality of intimacy with myself and so much of the quality of my intimacy is the quality of my relationships. It is synergistic. As my relationship with myself and my Higher Power gets better, my other relationships grow.


By |2013-03-28T15:03:05+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I will observe myself in action the next time I find myself being excessively critical of others. Being critical of other people’s business comes from comparing myself to them; from a misguided attempt to justify my own position by invalidating theirs. That only overwhelms me and makes me unable to accomplish what suits my own


By |2013-03-28T15:02:42+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I recognize that I must have a self before I can lose a self. In the process of development, children harden their boundaries first before they make choices about where to soften them. In recovery the same process takes place. I reach back and rework areas in my life when I was not allowed


By |2013-03-28T15:01:56+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

My mind shapes my life. It is my control room, the place from which I navigate the waters of my world. My thoughts have dynamic power. If radio waves can travel on air waves, then surely my thoughts do, too. What I accept as my reality within my mind exists in living particles and may

Risking Change

By |2013-03-28T15:01:27+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I recognize that all growth requires change, that all change includes risk and that these are scary and difficult. If I am not experiencing discomfort in my feelings, then I am not really changing. Deep meaningful change is hard won; it is not easy. It requires courage and commitment. When I am not willing