Monthly Archives: March 2013

Looking into Life

By |2013-03-28T14:54:37+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I will look into rather than at life. I will move toward the experience of love. More than a sentiment, love is an energy. Each living particle has the energy of love and soul encoded into it. Treating love as a sentiment traps it into a thought or a feeling, rather than allowing it to

Letting Go Of Shame

By |2013-03-28T14:54:08+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I become willing to see, feel and release the shame that keeps me tied to dysfunction. There was always a bad guy in my family of origin. We searched in cooperative silence for one person on whom to pin the family disease. When that person was removed either by death or circumstance, we found

Being Part of the Magic

By |2013-03-28T14:52:56+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I have the power to create, to bring forth, to manifest. My very presence measurably alters my environment. If merely by observing and being I affect what surrounds me, think how much more my thoughts, speech and actions are felt by others. Today, if I feel that I am disappearing, as if I am insignificant

Separating The Disease Out

By |2013-03-28T14:52:21+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I am able to separate the disease from the person. People change – I have changed. The same person who was a terror to me in childhood could possibly be a friend today. We were all sick, no one really escaped our family disease. The disease that kept us from one another in childhood

Transcending the Flesh

By |2013-03-28T14:52:00+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I will not use the shortcomings in this world as an excuse for the shortcomings in me. My path is not to imitate what is wrong, but to lead in what is right. Each positive example I set by actually embodying or being what I believe in improves this world. I am willing to lead.

A Song in My Heart

By |2013-03-28T14:51:31+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I will carry a song within my heart today. I will feel the rhythm of my soul’s energy pulsing through me. No one but me has access to my soul. If I do not invite it into expression then it will not, cannot come; I am the vehicle through which it finds expression. I am

Talking Things Over

By |2013-03-28T14:51:03+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

Today I recognize that it is actually possible to talk things over. To be direct and honest with a person with the intention of working out a problem seems difficult and risky. I still feel that my honest feelings will be met with hostility and that somehow I will end up creating a mess. I

Faith in My World

By |2013-03-28T14:49:25+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I am part of an exciting period in history. Those who have given up on the world are not seeing what I am seeing. I see spirit at work. I see deep world cleansing. I see people who are more aware and willing to look at themselves and society. The barricades that used to divide

Soul Is Within Me

By |2013-03-28T14:48:32+00:00March 28th, 2013|Daily Affirmations|

I am a living expression of the divine energy, a piece of God. This is how God meant it to be, how spirit works through flesh, how the world is an expression of the divine. I will look within for soul. Long ago all men were divine, but mankind so abused the privilege that Brahma,