Daily Rituals

Daily Rituals

Our lack of meaningful ritual causes us to reach for objects outside ourselves for a sense of grounding. If we remain outwardly focused with our meaning existing outside of us, we may experience a spiritual crisis.
One of the ways to reconnect with my self is through rituals in my daily life. Rituals give me a sense of connection to something within me, and through that connection to a transcendent self, something larger than and beyond the everyday me. My rituals can be highly individualized. They may be daily quiet time or meditation, journaling or nature walks. It is important that I identify, cultivate and maintain both private and communal rituals. The important point is the necessity of having regular, ritualized experiences built into my day-to-day living that help my smaller self connect with a larger, or transcendent, self. Personal rituals act as passageways from the temporal to the spiritual
I cultivate daily rituals.
The more peculiarly his own a man’s character is, the better it fits him.
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications