

Today I understand that the purpose of forgiving is to release my own mind from the pain of held resentment. I do not forgive someone today because it is what nice people do. I forgive because it sets my mind free for other things – like living happily in the present. This is not to say that I do not acknowledge a painful relationship and past abuse. I have a right and a responsibility to set healthy boundaries for myself. Forgiving doesn’t mean being close to someone I need to keep my distance from or trying to return to the past to rework it. Forgiving simply means that I am willing to live my life from today forward without unwittingly recreating and replaying old scripts that I hold in my unconscious. I forgive myself and others with understanding. It is my quickest road to freedom.
I am willing to be free.
Freedom lies in bold action.
Robert Frost
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications