Healing Hurt Relationships

Healing Hurt Relationships

Today I will open myself to healing in my relationships. So much of life depends on the quality of intimacy with myself and so much of the quality of my intimacy is the quality of my relationships. It is synergistic. As my relationship with myself and my Higher Power gets better, my other relationships grow. Deep healing with people I care about has much more significance than might appear; it is soul – and life-transforming. I experience moments of quiet expansion when my heart and mind actually feel as if they are widening in all directions. Even though I cannot necessarily sustain this burst, part of it remains with me, integrates into my personality and becomes mine. I am willing to grow a step at a time and heal little by little.
I can heal hurt relationships.
Life is not living, but living in health.
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications