Appreciating the Day

Appreciating the Day

Today I will be aware of the temporary nature of my life. Each day I
have is all that I have for certain. If I let today go by unnoticed,
unappreciated, unlived, I will not get it back again. It is the little
things that make a life. Slowing down, feeling and enjoying where I am
and what I have is what will make my day feel good to me. My
relationship with soul deepens in the here and now, by sinking into the
moment. When I move too quickly, I have no time to process my activities
and encounters, no time to smell the roses.
I will relax and enjoy my day.
Without a clear view of death, there is no order, no sobriety, no
beauty. Sorcerers struggle to gain this crucial insight in order to help
them realize at the deepest possible level that they have no assurance
whatsoever their lives will continue beyond the moment. That realization
gives sorcerers the courage to be patient and yet take action, courage
to be acquiescent without being stupid.
Carlos Castaneda
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications