Deus Ex Machina

Deus Ex Machina

The ancient Greeks understood our human desire to have a force from above enter our lives, and make sense of the non-sensical. But when I want to find one solution to happiness, I miss the day-to-day experience
of living. There is no solution. There is only the process. Wanting an answer puts me at risk of chasing false gods in attempts to locate the soul and find meaning. I will not fall victim to such empty solutions. I will understand that life is meant to be lived, not solved. When I get lost in compulsive thinking and activity, I will take it as a signal that I need to slow down and center myself.
I will not accept quick fixes as a substitute for life.
The world stands out on either side No wider than the heart is wide Above the world is stretched the sky No higher than the soul is high But east and west will pinch the heart That cannot keep them pushed apart
And he whose soul is flat The sky will cave in on him by and by.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications