Being Available

Being Available

Today I will invite the presence of soul. I will spend my day quietly preparing for soul to enter and when it does, I will notice it. I will notice soul energy as it seeps into my day, as it acts on the quality of an ordinary event, as it deepens and expands ordinary time. Making myself ready to receive soul is all I need to do. Bringing myself to center, breathing and quieting down will help bring me toward a state of mind that can experience soul energy. Today, I will make myself a welcoming vehicle for soul quality living.
I will wait for soul.
I ask all blessings, I ask them with reverence, of my mother the earth, of the sky, moon, and sun my father. I am old age the essence of life, I am the source of all happiness. All is peaceful, all is beauty, all in harmony, all in joy.
Anonymous (Navaho, 19th-20th century)
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications