Waking Up

Waking Up

I am carrying something inside of me that is undermining my happiness and stealing my joy. I am sick and tired of holding onto this pain no matter where it started or who it belongs to. It belongs to me now, lives inside of me, disturbs my peace of mind and exacts a heavy price. And I am just as sick of my own self recrimination, of holding something against myself, of hurting my own inner world because I can’t let myself or someone who is living in my head and heart off the hook. I am blocked in some way that I don’t fully understand; but I’m willing to take a leap of faith into my inner world to look for some answers. I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that whatever grudge or resentment or wound I’m carrying is costing me more than I want to pay. I am waking up; seeing things differently, willing to take a deeper look.
 I am willing to feel what I have been blocking
Self-trust, we know, is the first secret of success.
Lady Wilde
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications