A Deeper Experience of Being Alive

A Deeper Experience of Being Alive

Today I am open. I understand that a spiritual awakening is my path to healing. My life looks different. I am learning to allow it to unfold a day at a time. I am becoming aware of the deeper experience of being alive. The morning and I meet and greet each other like old friends. I am alive and in this world for another day by the grace of God. I am in charge of my body, mind and soul and it feels right and good. I belong to this world and this world belongs to me, I am meant to be here. I am learning to let life work out rather than forcing it into place. I am living simply and enjoying simple pleasures. I am awake and alive for one more day.
                                         I am grateful
Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually. Peace, for example, starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us.
HH the Dalai Lama
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications