

Making amends to others sets things straight with myself. I can’t do anything about another person’s behavior but I can keep my side of the street clean. I will finish up and bring some closure to my side of things for my own peace of mind and allow the rest to be where it is, I’ll take the action and let go of the results. I am willing for healing to take place in ruptured relationships. I have been doing the best that I can. My acknowledgment that I may have hurt someone else does not diminish me. I have also been hurt, and I extend the same understanding to myself that I do to others. We have all been doing the best that we knew how with the awareness we had to work with. My willingness to make amends speaks to my spiritual growth and desire for honesty. Today It is for me that I forgive; I cannot control the outcome or another person.
I am willing to feel clean inside
Just because you think that hate and non-forgiveness are justified in a certain case, wake up and realize that you are still poisoning your own system and you are doing more damage to yourself.
Doc Childre
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications