A Higher Power within Me

A Higher Power within Me

Today, I recognize that a Higher Power lives and breathes inside me, through me and as me. God is available twenty four seven, not only one day a week.  My direct access to myself is my direct access to my Higher Power, and my estrangement from myself is my estrangement from my Higher Power. I used to think that God was outside of myself and I spent my time in search of another person’s version of a Higher Power. But really, there is no searching, only acceptance. That is the well-kept secret: that God lives, not in the heavens or inside special buildings, but within my very self. We are co-creators, hand-in-glove, a team. Today, I see allowing God into my life as an act of surrender, acceptance and love. I give myself the gift of surrender.
 I love my Higher Power and my Higher Power loves me–we are one.
You’ve always had the power to return home right there in your shoes, you just had to learn it for yourself.
L. Frank Baum
The Wizard of Oz
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications