

The secrets that we keep actually keep us. Keeping secrets is a foolish attempt to stay safe from the truth. We tell ourselves we are sparing another person or protecting ourselves ,but what I need from me and what other people need in order to make sense of me is the truth. When I withhold
that truth, I withhold myself. I am creating distance that no one can cross because the real way across the divide is the way of honesty. I can not make something better by lying, and I cannot be fully understood if I won’t give the benefit of the truth. Today I have the strength to live with the truth and the wisdom to know that the truth can set me free. I can live my life in a web of lies without ever uttering a falsehood. The web of lies is composed of not
just what I say, but the vast amount of honesty that I withhold. There is a difference between considerate honesty and aggressive frankness. Honesty recognizes the person-hood of both people and is an act of trust;
but too much ill motivated frankness can border on mean.
I am as sick as my secrets

The weakness of a soul is proportionate to the number of truths that must be kept from it.
Eric Hoffer
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications