Speaking Anger

Speaking Anger

When someone is angry at me all I can seem to do is question myself.  What did I do to offend, what should I have done differently, why are they so mad?  But part of my near obsession is that I am mad too.  I’m angry at their behavior but not fully comfortable saying it.  Why?  Why do I hesitate so, to say what you did made me angry.  It hurt me and made me mad.  Saying those words feels so different.  I fear they’ll get mad back or twist the situation around and tell me I’m wrong, stupid or bad for feeling angry.  And so I create this confusion half denying my own anger and fearing theirs.  Maybe it is my own anger that I’m afraid of.
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications