It’s the Small Stuff

It’s the Small Stuff

I will pay attention to the details of life. I will wash my face and smile at myself each morning, take an extra moment to choose something to wear that pleases me. I’ll make myself something delicious to eat each morning and I’ll take my time in eating it. I will walk to work or to do my errand if possible, take a stroll at lunch or after work so that I can spend some time outdoors. When I am on my way home I will pay attention to transition kinds of thoughts, I’ll leave work behind and warm myself up to walking in the door of my home. I will muse on pleasant ways to spend my evening and I will have a cozy and self nurturing routine before bed. I will relax and enjoy a good night’s sleep, allowing myself all the time I need to unwind and relax before hand.
I will nurture myself throughout my day
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications