Waiting for My Life to Happen

Waiting for My Life to Happen

Today  will not wait for my life to happen, my ship to come in or good fortune to figure out my address and knock on my door. I will find good fortune and knock at its door. I will do this by becoming willing to shift my awareness in a direction that is life affirming and enhancing. I will be up for seeing myself as a luck person, as someone for whom life just works out. I will fan myself with the breezes of positivity rather than the flames of negativity.  I will enter my day with an open, confident attitude. I will trust the day to hold enough good in it. I will place my hand in the hand of my Higher Power, my angel and be guided by  unseen hands. I will have an open, willing and joyful attitude that allows the good in the day to find me.
I trust life, I trust good energy, I trust me
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change  your attitude. 
Maya Angelou
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications