Appreciating What I Have

Appreciating What I Have

Today I won’t let my desire for more, blind me to what’s already here. My life is full of blessings that I look right past when all I see is what’s  missing rather than what is there. Desire is natural and good, I need to feel it to grow and reach beyond myself. But today,  I will appreciate what I already have before I ask for more. Appreciation is like water on a plant, it causes good to grow in my life. What I appreciate expands. It grows before my eyes, it deepens and widens. The mere act of appreciation somehow creates more of what I am already giving thanks for. It opens doors to the coffers of this generous world and invites the its bounty to come in. Appreciation lets the creative universe know that I am grateful for what is being so freely given to me
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications