A Song in My Heart

A Song in My Heart

I will carry a song within my heart today. I will feel the rhythm of my soul’s energy pulsing through me. No one but me has access to my soul. If I do not invite it into expression then it will not, cannot come; I am the vehicle through which it finds expression. I am the carrier of spirit. I will allow soul to surface in my heart, mind and point of view. A spirit finds its highest and finest life through the human hand. My recognition of God in man allows God to come forward in my community to work through people. What I do today I will do soulfully, whether it be taking a walk, eating breakfast or visiting with a friend. Soul is everywhere, always present. Today I will be with and invite the presence of soul.
I will listen and hear music.
The last of the light of the sun That had died in the west Still lived for one song more In a thrush’s bleats.
Robert Frost
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications