An Individual

An Individual

I am an individual able to stand on my own, while still maintaining genuine connection with others. I am not an island unto myself, nor am I a nondistinct part of the mass. I see my life as a process of getting to
know myself, of exploring the contents of my mind and heart, which will in turn allow me to understand myself and others. I have a right to self-define.
I enjoy being me.
Only the man who can consciously assent to the power of the inner voice becomes a personality and only a personality can find a proper place in the collectivity; only personalities have the power to create a
community, that is, to become integral parts of a human group and not merely a number in the mass. For the mass is only a sum of individuals and can never, like a community, become a living organism that receives
and bestows life. Thus, self realization, both in the individual and in the extra personal, collective sense, becomes a moral decision, and it is this moral decision which leads us to the process of self fulfillment
called individuation. . . . it also implies becoming one’s own self.
Carl Jung
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications