

When I hide my anger from myself I learn nothing from it and it leaks out in less than functional ways. Anger is a natural feeling and one I am willing to face so that I can get past it toward forgiveness. Experiencing my anger doesn’t mean I have to act it out or dump it all over my life. Nor does it mean that I give up my right to feel it. I have more options than that. Today I am learning that I can tolerate the strength of my angry feelings without acting out or collapsing under their weight. I can be angry and listen to another point of view. I can be angry and sad or hurt. I can be angry and forgive. I am able to experience my anger and put it into words so that I can talk it out rather than act it out or medicate it. Knowing that I have the strength to experience and articulate my own feelings builds confidence and strength within me.
I am capable of experiencing the power of my anger and learning from it
I am no longer afraid of anger. I find it to be a creative, transforming force; anger is a stage I must go through if I am ever going to get to what lies beyond it.
Mary Kaye Medinger
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications