Arrogance and Grandiosity

Arrogance and Grandiosity

I will let myself slowly become right sized. Grandiosity and arrogance are part and parcel of this disease, defenses against feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and invisibility. When I feel small inside I try to be big on the outside in order to make myself feel better. Just for today I will let myself feel big on the inside recognizing that no one is small in God’s eyes and I needn’t be small in my own eyes. Today I can tolerate my own feelings of insecurity and smallness knowing that they are feelings not facts. I can breathe, witness and allow them to pass. I am fine as I am, I live in the presence of God and with God’s help, hand in hand, I will walk through this day.
I am right sized
This ability to grieve – that is, to give up the illusion of his “happy

@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications