I have a part of me that quietly observes the rest of me I will rest quietly in my “observer mind
I have a part of me that quietly observes the rest of me I will rest quietly in my “observer mind
Today when I feel stressed I will use my stress busters. I will take a walk or exercise, use my breathing to calm and quiet my nervous system, listen to music, take a warm bath or sit quietly by myself and meditate. I know what works best for me to get back into a relaxed
Stress affects my body and my mind. When I am under stress, I tend to do the same thing more intensely, but less efficiently. Stress undermines my state of health and makes me feel stuck in non productive, compulsive routines. I lose my spontaneity. Stress chemicals do everything from lock in the storage of fat
Today is a day to be reborn into the life I already have. To see and value it differently. To cherish it knowing that it is mine only for a while. I am God’s gift to me. God has lovingly placed my life into my own hands to care for. God means for me to
Who I am speaks louder that what I say. My actions are worth more than words. When I use words of love but don’t back them with actions of love, I send out a false and confusing message. When my actions are consistent with what I say and feel, I am easier to relate to
I will value my home today. I will take time for those I love. I know that my time is the most valuable thing I have to give. Our world runs at a fast pace, we are all on a track to get somewhere but, at the end of the day, where are we all
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a
This is a journey without a goal. Recovery has opened my heart and soul to spirituality. Where before I thought I had to have all the answers, today I learn to live in the question, to be open to learning and letting something new and vital in. Where before I thought I had to be
Today, I will light one candle and that candle is myself. I will keep my own flame burning. I turn my sight to light and love and goodness. For today, there is no need to be discouraged. So what if I see and identify all the ills of society and diagnose it as sick--what good