Being Part of the Magic

Being Part of the Magic

I have the power to create, to bring forth, to manifest. My very presence measurably alters my environment. If merely by observing and being I affect what surrounds me, think how much more my thoughts, speech and actions are felt by others. Today, if I feel that I am disappearing, as if I am insignificant or ineffectual, I will remember that this is not possible. I am designed by a higher intelligence to be powerful and to interact in real and meaningful ways. My  presence has impact.
I own my effect on my world.
Directly stated, the evolution of the entire universe – stars, elements, life, man – is a process of drawing something out of nothing, out of the utter void of nonbeing. The creative element in the mind of man – that latency which can conceive gods, carve statues, move the heart with the symbols of great poetry, or devise the formulas of modern
physics – emerges in as mysterious a fashion as those elementary particles which leap into momentary existence in great cyclotrons, only to vanish again like infinitesimal ghosts.
Lorin Eisley
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications