Dear Friends and Colleagues….. It has long been a desire of mine to create a workbook for Adult Children of Alcoholics… an ACoA myself…. I know that it takes a village and a lifetime to figure out the strange legacy of loving someone who moves in and out of reality….and takes the family with them to varying degrees. This workbook is about climbing out of that legacy. It’s about understanding both the cost and the rather unusual and sometimes zany gifts of living in a world that challenges one’s sense of “normal”. Anyone who has grown up with adverse childhood experiences, codependency or relational trauma can find themselves in the pages of this book. This information and the exercises and processes here, are for you. I had a wonderful time putting this together, I tried to make it as welcoming and user-friendly as possible. I hope that you’ll have an equally good time using it…”come on in, the water’s fine….”


“Dr. Tian Dayton has picked up where Janet Woititz left off in her seminal book Adult Children of Alcoholics, the book that literally began the ACoA movement… Dr. Dayton provides a clear understanding of the body of research on trauma that has become so significant since the ACoA movement began. And she makes the connection for the reader between the ACoA syndrome and post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often experienced by children who grew up in addicted families long after they have left their families of origin. She answered their haunting question: ‘Why am I feeling the pain from my childhood now, as an adult, when I am no longer even living at home?’ After the success of that book, she has followed it up with a book that is much more than a book, it actually helps you heal. ………Take this journey with Dr. Dayton—it will change your life”.
From the forward…….. by Gary Seidler Co-founder Health Communications Inc (HCI) and U.S. Journal of Drug & Alcohol Dependence