Detaching With Love to Free Myself

Detaching With Love to Free Myself

Today the reason that I detach with love is in order to free myself. Detaching with anger doesn’t work, I remain preoccupied and live with a low level of distress. Detaching with the idea that eventually I’ll be able to come back and fix, control or change what I don’t like isn’t really letting go. But releasing, letting go, allowing something to truly take it’s rightful place in the scheme of things with or without me, allows me to be in my rightful place. When I live my life trying to fix, control or manipulate events, people and circumstances so that I finally can relax, I enter into an endless control battle, there will simply always be something to worry about, fodder for anxiety and struggle. To fix, I guess is human, to let go divine. I let go so that I can spend more time being and less time obsessing and controlling.
I let go and let God
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.
Sir Winston Churchill
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications