Eating Well

Eating Well

Food is medicine. Everything that I put into my body becomes part of me, affects my mood, my health and my state of fitness. Food is fuel, it’s what I run on. Food becomes the quality of my skin, organs, muscles, blood and bone. I cannot lie to my body, what I put in it is what it will make use of in order to run me. It is what I will wear around each and every moment. If I try to trick my body, it won’t really work any more than if I tried to trick my car by putting coke instead of gasoline into it. My body is infinitely intelligent, more than any machine it will adapt to what I put into it. But if I fill it with too many unhealthy things, it will eventually rebel, it will get sick, it will tell me that I have pushed it too far. I cannot lie to my body, I will not try.
I am responsible for what I put into my body
Changing My Emotional Set Point
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications