Finding a Passion

Finding a Passion

I will find a passion. Whether cooking, painting, writing, cleaning, golf, scrap booking, volunteering or something with gardening or animals, I will find something I truly enjoy doing and I will do it. When I engage in an activity that I feel at one with I sooth, challenge and nourish myself. It gives shape to my day and meaning and purpose to my life. I am fortunate enough to live in an age where there are many possibilities for things that I can learn to do and much access to information as to how to do them. I know that I enter a kind of quiet and energized inner space when I do things I enjoy. And I emerge feeling more integrated and whole. I will give myself the space in my life to do what ignites my spirit. I see finding a pleasing activity as part of my recovery.
Whatever my passion, I will enjoy it
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications