Inner Newness

Inner Newness

I am new inside today. I feel pink and tender, as if young tissue were growing within me. I have been willing to take an ultimate risk by looking at the state of my life and insides, not as I wish they were, but as they actually are. I have experienced an inner death. I have walked through spaces inside my mind and heart that felt life-threatening, and I have felt the terror of full honesty. What I did not expect was this sense of birth and newness. Somehow, life feels full of possibility for new experiences. I thought that I would be stuck in anger and blame forever, but I see today that I did not need to feel so down on myself for feeling those feelings. They are just a part of the process.
 I accept my feelings, whether I like them or not.
Growth is the only evidence of life.
John Henry Newman
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications