Just for Today

Just for Today

I will make a resolution today that I actually have a shot at keeping. A day at a time, I will move towards my goal, celebrating each small gain in good feeling about myself and my life, feeling enhanced from within that I am able to keep it in my line of vision. I will keep my resolution for another 24 hours, for one more day and congratulate myself for doing so. I will understand that if I slip in my resolve on one day, I will not waste my valuable time beating myself up. I will simply climb right back on the moment I become aware of it, and have that good feeling of knowing that I can make mistakes, lots of them, and they won’t stop me or discourage me. Just for today I will approach my resolution with an attitude of gratitude, happy that I have the wisdom, purpose and inner strength to see it at all; feeling grateful that I have the clarity and will to take that very crucial, next step. Because just for today, I know that it’s the next step that really counts.
I walk through my year one grateful step at a time
Abraham Lincoln
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications