Living the Life that is Mine to Live

Living the Life that is Mine to Live

I have a right to my own life. If I don’t live my life fully, it will simply not be lived, because no one else can live it for me. I cannot bequeath it to anyone else to live on my behalf. If I don’t sing my song it will remain unsung, because no one can sing it for me. If I don’t dance my dance, however clumsy, it will remain an action never taken because no one can dance it for me. If I don’t find the poetry in my own soul, it will not be found because it is mine to search out and speak out. Life is a spiritual gift and my life is my personal gift form God, from the Universe, from someplace much bigger than me. If I don’t live it, no one else will, no one else can.
I will use the life I have to actualize myself.
Don’t die with your music still in you
Wayne Dyer
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications