

Today when I look at a sunset and wish I were with someone else or feel that I cannot fully enjoy a beautiful view all by myself, I will remember that I am never alone. I will allow the emptiness inside of me to be filled with my Higher Power, however I conceive that to be. Together we will enjoy the sunset and the soft splashing of the waves against the rocks. I am my own point of power, all of my life passes through me and in this sense I am always alone. At the same time God is coded into all of my being) there is no difference between me and this universal energy or force. In this sense I am never alone – I am always connected. Like a cool summer rain or the soft glow of sunset, my Higher Power dwells within me.
I am never alone.
The force cannot be seen. It is all around us, it goes through us, inside us outside . . . it is always with you.
George Lucas, “Star Wars

@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications