Loving My Parents

Loving My Parents

It is my right to love my parents. My love for them is not personal, it is a powerful bonding need of mine built into me through nature. When my parents behaved in ways that made it hard to love them, they were misunderstanding their role. They were taking my love for them personally and making it about being good or bad, doling it out like a reward or a punishment. But this is against nature. Nature meant for parents and children to bond unconditionally for survival. That is why I need to honor my parents. Not because they deserve it but because I deserve it. I deserve to feel whole inside and connected to God’s plan. It’s not personal. When I hate my parents, I hate a part of myself because my parents are literally wired into me. Today, my victory over the disease is to love my parents even if I hate their disease. Whether or not we choose to spend a lot of time together is not the issue, loving my parents is about freeing my own heart to feel fully, to trust in life and relationships and to move beyond hate, hurt and resentment.
               Today I love in order to heal my self
 Faith makes all things possible. Love makes them easy.
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications