

I am willing to grow up today. I want to become a mature person. Part of my disease caused me to remain immature. My unmet needs from childhood sat inside of me like hungry monsters feeding on anything I threw into them. In recovery I have learned to identify my needs and to meet them in healthier ways. I can prioritize and see my life with some perspective. I recognize that part of maturation is identifying the
hungry child within and working intelligently and compassionately with her before she works her wrath on me. I can survive feeling needy today
– this is part of my new maturity.
I can survive my painful feelings and remain intact.
One must liberate oneself . . . from complexities, from taking ones fate too much to heart, before being able to rejoice simply because one is alive and among the living.
Czeslaw Milosz
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications