

My mind shapes my life. It is my control room, the place from which I navigate the waters of my world. My thoughts have dynamic power. If radio waves can travel on air waves, then surely my thoughts do, too.
What I accept as my reality within my mind exists in living particles and may eventually manifest and evidence itself in my world. My mind is a living part of the universe. It is programmed in, made of the same
stuff and designed to operate in this context. The stuff of my mind is the stuff of this living world. What I think is my contribution; it is felt by others, it has impact on my world. I change my life first by
changing my thoughts. I contribute positively to society when I carry positive thoughts toward and about it.
I am responsible for what lives inside my mind.
All that is comes from the mind; it is based on the mind; it is fashioned by the mind.
The Pali Canon
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications