My Limbic System and Emotional Sobriety

My Limbic System and Emotional Sobriety

My emotions are processed by my limbic system. My limbic system is in charge of regulating my mood, appetite, sleep cycles, libido and motivation. Emotional stress and psychological trauma can deregulate my limbic system. Because of all that it governs, deregulation of my limbic system can undermine my ability to balance and regulate my own moods, eating, sleep, sexual urges and motivation. I may then mirror my emotional deregulation with behavioral deregulation, living and behaving in emotional and behavioral extremes like too much or too little eating, spending, sex or activity or too much drinking or drugging. In recovery I will learn to use natural mood regulators like exercise, journaling, rest, meditation and sharing with others to achieve limbic balance rather than to dysfunctional mood medicators.
I will learn to naturally regulate my limbic system
Addiction, self medication and acting out behaviors can be seen as a lack of ability to self regulate and can stem from limbic deregulation.
Tian Dayton PhD, From Emotional Sobriety: From Relationship Trauma to Resilience and Balance
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications