Past Anger and Resentment

Past Anger and Resentment

I need to find a way to experience my old anger and resentment without living in it. When I live in it, I ruin my own day. When I deny it, I create a dark spot on my emotional lungs that keeps me from being able to breathe deeply and fully; I pretend that I don’t have anger that I do have and I miss the insights that my anger might offer into what hurts and upsets me. When I get lost or stuck in anger and resentment, I spend all my time justifying why I have a right to be angry. Or I project and disown it, making my painful or negative feelings about someone or something outside of me. Today, I will allow myself to feel my own anger and see what it has to tell me before I dump it, act it out, make it about someone or something else or medicate it. I will sit with it and let it sit with me. I will witness my feelings without trying to control them.
 I am capable of processing my anger
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications