Prayer and Miracles

Prayer and Miracles

Today, I will pray for a miracle in a situation that seems too much for me to handle or understand. There are times when I just don’t have what it takes to work out a situation. I’m too loaded up with fears and anxieties. What could it hurt to pray for a little divine guidance or intervention? At the very least, it will help ease my burden  and make me less anxious and fearful around my children; and at best, it will aid in a genuine shift in perception that might truly help my situation. When I feel stuck and as if I have explored every option and am still nowhere, I will pray for a miracle.
I allow my consciousness to reach out into the unknown and ask for help.
A miracle is a shift in perception and prayer is the medium of miracles.
A Course in Miracles
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications