Releasing Anger

Releasing Anger

Today I let myself have my angry feelings without letting them have me. In the past because anger was a complete no-no, I learned to stuff my own anger so that even I no longer knew what I was feeling. This cost me a great deal in relating to the world because natural anger is meant to protect me from harm and help me to know how I feel. I lost track of my own responses to situations because I denied my feelings before I knew I had them. Sometimes just to let myself know that I am angry is enough. I needn’t let the feeling flood me or make me feel I need to react. My anger also can just be information for me, having little to do with anyone else. It can simply let me know that something is not okay so that I can be honest with myself and with others and can stay with what is really going on.
I let my anger inform me.
He who has been angry becomes cool again.
Greek proverb
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications