

Today when I encounter my own resistance, I will not turn back or be hard on myself. Instead I will see it as a sign that I am beginning to change. If I did not encounter my own resistance, I would not really be working or taking seriously what I am doing. Resistance is a sign that something is happening. When I am asking myself to change the way I see things and adopt a more positive, constructive attitude, a lot of old tapes kick in and tell me that it can’t be done, it won’t be worth it, it will all fall apart anyway, I will just fail, make things worse, be kidding myself, etc. I can recognize these old tapes for what they are, and my resistance to growth and change becomes a sign that growth and change are beginning to take place.
I accept my own fear of change.
Resistance is the first step to change.
Louise Hay
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications