The Environment

The Environment

The environment in which I live is a part of me. The feeling that I have of being able to separate myself from the world I live in is an illusion. I am tied to nature and dependent on it for my survival. I am an animal and share many of the functions of the animal kingdom. It is insanity to think that I can destroy the environment without destroying myself. Nature and I are a part of each other. I follow the patterns of nature, I am physically in tune with the seasons. This world and I are meant to dance together, to live in harmony. It is a strange alienation that keeps me from recognizing my natural place in the scheme of things. It is a form of denial. This world is alive just as I am, we thrive or we perish together.
I am in tune with my natural being.
It is only logical that the pauperization of our soul and the soul of society coincides with the pauperization of the environment. One is the cause and the reflection of the other.
Paolo Soleri
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications