The Moment

The Moment

I will be quiet and experience the moment. When I accept that the day before me is a teacher, that it has within it as many of the deepest components of mystery, love and God as any moment of teaching or doctrine could contain, then to experience the moment is to experience the soul.
It is not that the search is not fascinating or exciting or even enlivening, only that there are no answers – at least, none based solely on intellectual belief systems. To seek the answers in those systems is to simply rearrange the question and find a partial answer. The experience of soul is the acceptance of the moment in which both the question and the answer dissolve and become irrelevant. I will allow myself to co-exist with soul energy, to become one with the moment and one with all that is contained within it.
I rest peacefully in the moment.
Experience of the eternal aspect in the temporal moment is the mythological experience.
Joseph Campbell
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications