The Next Right Action

The Next Right Action

All I need to do today is to take the next right action. I cannot see into the future, I only see what surrounds me at this moment. All I need to do is the task at hand as well and sincerely as I can. When I do this earnestly and daily, the rest takes care of itself. I cannot solve my life in a day. I cannot erase my past in a week nor do I want to.  When I get stuck in regretting or ruminating about the past or preoccupied with living in the future, I become overwhelmed and life becomes an out of body experience. My fears of the future immobilize me and my pain from the past pulls me down. Just for today,  I will not obsess about tomorrow because the only day I am in is today and the only moment I can do anything about is now. I see the wisdom in being here and now, in putting one foot in front of the other, in living this moment as well as I can and letting God take care of the rest. I put my cares and worries into the loving arms of my Higher Power as I take my next step into my day, the only step that is mine to take.
I will take the next, right action.
“Anything can happen in life, especially nothing.”
Michel Houellebecq
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications