Trusting in Life

Trusting in Life

I will trust this moment, within it lies all the wisdom of forever. I will listen to what is here and now confident that if there is something that I need to hear it will be said and I will catch it, or I will hear that still, small voice within me tugging at the edges of my mind, trying to tell me something. I will sink into the now and bathe in its radiance for one more day. All I have to do is a good job for today. I will trust that the positive thoughts I think, the good feelings I have and the life enhancing actions I take today are my best way of building a good tomorrow.
 I trust in life’s power to repair and renew itself
Live purely. Be quiet. 
Do your work with mastery. 
Like the moon, come out 
from behind the clouds! 

@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications